Включить читы и команды в Scrap Mechanitc
Для этого открываем файл "Scrap Mechanic\Survival\Scripts\game\SurvivalGame.lua" с помощью текстового редактора.
Идем к 84 строчке и меняем строку "if g_survival then" на "if true then".
Все читы и команды в Scrap Mechanitc
- /ammo "Получить оружие (default 40)"
- /spudgun "Получить spudgun"
- /gatling "Получить potato gatling gun"
- /shotgun "Получить fries shotgun"
- /sunshake "Получить sunshake"
- /baguette "Получить revival baguette"
- /keycard "Получить 1 keycard"
- /powercore "Получить 1 powercore"
- /components "Получить <quantity> components (default 10)"
- /glowsticks "Получить <quantity> components (default 10)"
- /tumble "Set tumble state"
- /god "Mechanic characters will take no damage"
- /respawn "Respawn at last bed (or at the crash site)"
- /encrypt "Restrict interactions in all warehouses"
- /decrypt "Unrestrict interactions in all warehouses"
- /limited "Use the limited inventory"
- /unlimited "Use the unlimited inventory"
- /ambush "Starts a 'random' encounter"
- /recreate "Recreate world"
- /timeofday "Sets the time of the day as a fraction (0.5=mid day)"
- /timeprogress "Enables or disables time progress"
- /day "Disable time progression and set time to daytime"
- /spawn "Spawn a unit: 'woc', 'tapebot', 'totebot', 'haybot'"
- /harvestable "Create a harvestable: 'tree', 'stone'"
- /cleardebug "Clear debug draw objects"
- /export "Exports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint"
- /import "Imports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint"
- /starterkit "Spawn a starter kit"
- /mechanicstartkit"Spawn a starter kit for starting at mechanic station"
- /pipekit "Spawn a pipe kit"
- /foodkit "Spawn a food kit"
- /seedkit "Spawn a seed kit"
- /die "Kill the player"
- /sethp "Set player hp value"
- /setwater "Set player water value"
- /setfood "Set player food value"
- /aggroall "All hostile units will be made aware of the player's position"
- /goto "Teleport to predefined position"
- /raid "Start a level <level> raid at player position at wave <wave> in <delay> hours."
- /stopraid "Cancel all incoming raids"
- /disableraids "Disable raids if true"
- /camera "Spawn a SplineCamera tool"
- /printglobals "Print all global lua variables"
- /clearpathnodes "Clear all path nodes in overworld"
- /enablepathpotatoes "Creates path nodes at potato hits in overworld and links to previous node"
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